Note 15 Intangible non-current assets

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Goodwill Supplier relationships Customer relationships Technology Capitalised development Software Other intangible asset Total  
Accumulated cost    
Opening balance 5,323 3,560 75 395 232 216 11 9,812  
Acquisitions 7 4 1 12  
Investments 1 49 31 81  
Reclassifications -1 -2 -0 -3  
Divestments and disposals -1 -1  
Translation effect -17 -15 -0 -2 -3 -1 -0 -38  
Closing balance 5,313 3,549 75 394 277 243 12 9,863  
Accumulated amortisation and impairment losses    
Opening balance -10 -910 -24 -163 -95 -164 -6 -1,372  
Amortisation -355 -8 -43 -16 -21 -1 -444  
Impairment -21 -25 -60 -106  
Reclassifications 1 1 0 2  
Divestments and disposals 1 1  
Translation effect -0 17 0 2 2 0 0 21  
Closing balance -10 -1,269 -32 -229 -168 -183 -7 -1,898  
Carrying amount at year-end 5,303 2,280 43 165 109 60 5 7,965  
Carrying amount at start of year 5,313 2,650 51 232 137 52 5 8,440  

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Goodwill Supplier relationships Customer relationships Technology Capitalised development Software Other intangible asset Total    
Accumulated cost      
Opening balance 4,538 2,776 71 342 184 141 4 8,056    
Acquisitions 414 536 40 48 6 1,044    
Investments 1 45 21 67    
Divestments and disposals -3 -3    
Translation effect 371 248 4 12 3 9 1 648    
Closing balance 5,323 3,560 75 395 232 216 11 9,812    
Accumulated amortisation and impairment losses      
Opening balance -10 -542 -15 -119 -80 -96 -3 -865    
Acquisitions -44 -2 -46    
Amortisation 0 -329 -8 -40 -12 -23 -1 -413    
Reclassifications 0 0    
Divestments and disposals 3 1 4    
Translation effect 0 -39 -1 -4 -3 -4 -1 -52    
Closing balance -10 -910 -24 -163 -95 -164 -6 -1,372    
Carrying amount at year-end 5,313 2,650 51 232 137 52 5 8,440    
Carrying amount at start of year 4,528 2,234 56 223 104 45 1 7,191    

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Goodwill distributed by business area 2023-12-31 2022-12-31
Labtech 612 614
Medtech 4,691 4,699
Total 5,303 5,313

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  2023-12-31 2022-12-31
Parent company Software Total Software Total
Accumulated cost        
Opening balance 1 1 1 1
At year-end 1 1 1 1
Accumulated amortisation        
Opening balance -1 -1 -1 -1
Depreciation and amortisation 0 0 0 0
Closing balance -1 -1 -1 -1
Carrying amount at year-end 0 0 0 0
Carrying amount at start of year 0 0 0 0

Accounting principle
Goodwill represents the difference between the acquisition value in the event of a business combination and the fair value of acquired assets, assumed liabilities and contingent liabilities and is reported as an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life. Goodwill is valued at acquisition value minus any accumulated write-downs. Goodwill is allocated to cash-generating units and is not written off but is tested annually for impairment.

Supplier relations, customer relations and technology are valued in connection with business acquisitions at fair value. AddLife applies a model where an average historical customer acquisition cost, alternatively the present value of expected future cash flows, is used to value these.

Intangible assets other than goodwill are reported at acquisition value after deductions for accumulated depreciation and write-downs. Depreciation mainly takes place on a straight-line basis and is based on the assets' useful periods, which are reviewed annually. Periods of use are based on historical experience of using similar assets, areas of use and also other specific characteristics of the asset. Depreciation is included in cost of goods sold, sales or administration costs depending on where in the business the assets are used.

Expenditure for development, in which the results of research or other knowledge are applied to achieve new or improved products or processes, is recognised as an asset in the balance sheet if the product is technically and commercially viable and the company has sufficient resources to complete development and subsequently use or sell the intangible asset. Other development expenditure is expensed as it is incurred. 

Amortisation is charged primarily on a straight line basis and is based on the useful lives of the asset. 

  Useful life
Supplier and customer relations 10 years
Software 3-5 years
Technology 5-15 years
Capitalised development 5-10 years
Goodwill indefinite

Impairment testing of goodwill

AddLife's reported goodwill as of 31 December 2023 amounts to SEK 5,303 million (5,313). Goodwill is tested for impairment at least annually. If there is an indication that an asset has decreased in value, such an assessment is made more often. When AddLife carries out an acquisition, the acquired business is integrated into the group to such an extent that it is not possible to distinguish assets and cash flows per company, whereby an impairment test is performed on the cash flow generating units which are made up of the business areas. The recovery value has been calculated based on the value in use, which is calculated using discounted cash flows. Assumptions have been made about net sales, gross margin, overhead level, working capital needs and investment needs based on previous experience. The parameters have been set based on the group's budget for the next fiscal year 2024 for each business area, which has been approved by the Board of Directors.

For cash flows beyond the budget period, a growth rate of 2 percent (2) per year for Labtech and 3 percent (2) per year for Medtech has been assumed. Calculated residual value at the end of the useful life is included in the value in use. Cash flows were discounted using a weighted cost of capital corresponding 10.1 percent (8.4) before tax. These calculations show that value in use significantly exceeds the carrying amount. Consequently, impairment testing indicated no impairment. No reasonable possible changes in key assumptions are expected to lead to impairment.