Group summary

Statement of comprehensive income

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  3 months ending 9 months ending 12 months ending
SEKm 30 Sep 23 30 Sep 22 30 Sep 23 30 Sep 22 30 Sep 23 31 Dec 22
Profit for the period 26 120 233 421 295 483
Components that may be reclassified to profit for the period            
Foreign currency translation differences for the period -137 120 143 353 245 455
Components that can not be reclassified to profit for the period            
Revaluations of defined benefit pension plans 14 9 23
Tax attributable to items not to be reversed in profit or loss -3 -2 -5
Other comprehensive income -137 120 143 364 252 473
Total comprehensive income -111 240 376 785 547 956
Attributable to:            
Equity holders of the Parent Company -111 240 375 783 545 953
Non-controlling interests 0 0 1 2 2 3
Latest updated: 8/21/2023 10:45:40 AM by Alexander Paziraei