Parent company

The Parent Company’s net sales for the interim period amounted to SEK 56m (48) and profit after financial items amounted to SEK -6m (111). At the end of the interim period the Parent Company's net financial debt amounted to SEK 4,718m (4,591). The share capital at the end of the interim period was SEK 62m (62).

Income statement

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  3 months ending 9 months ending 12 months ending
SEKm 30 Sep 24 30 Sep 23 30 Sep 24 30 Sep 23 30 Sep 24 31 Dec 23
Net sales 19 17 56 48 72 64
Administrative expenses -24 -18 -75 -61 -98 -84
Operating profit/loss -5 -1 -19 -13 -26 -20
Interest income/expenses and similar items 35 264 13 124 80 191
Profit/loss after financial items 30 263 -6 111 54 171
Appropriations 78 78
Profit/loss before taxes 30 263 -6 111 132 249
Income tax expense -54 -23 9 -14
Profit/loss for the period 30 209 -6 88 141 235

Balance sheet

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Balance sheet, SEKm 30 Sep 24 31 Dec 23 30 Sep 23
Intangible non-current assets 0 0 0
Tangible non-current assets 0 0 0
Non-current financial assets 7,699 7,804 7,711
Total non-current assets 7,699 7,804 7,711
Current receivables 593 593 669
Total current assets 593 593 669
Total assets 8,292 8,397 8,380
Restricted equity 62 62 62
Unrestricted equity 2,563 2,642 2,494
Total equity 2,625 2,704 2,556
Interest-bearing long-term liabilities 3,673 2,560 2,659
Non-interest-bearing long-term liabilities 2 2 2
Total long-term liabilities 3,675 2,562 2,661
Interest-bearing short-term liabilities 1,958 2,994 3,126
Non-interest-bearing short-term liabilities 34 137 37
Total short-term liabilities 1,992 3,131 3,163
Total equity and liabilities 8,292 8,397 8,380
Latest updated: 10/18/2024 1:55:23 PM by Eva Berger