Financial position and cash flow

At the end of the quarter, the equity ratio stood at 37 percent (40). Equity per share totalled SEK 37,35 (35,14) and the return on equity at the end of the quarter was 19 percent (22). Return on working capital, P/WC (EBITA in relation to working capital) amounted to 86 percent (95). The slight decrease is mainly due to a relatively higher working capital, due to acquisitions. 

The Group’s interest-bearing net debt at the end of the quarter totalled SEK 4,983m (3,870), including pension liabilities of SEK 81m (82) and leasing liabilities of SEK 372m (339). The net debt/equity ratio, calculated on the basis of net debt including provisions for pensions and leasing liability, totalled 1.0 compared to 0.9 at the beginning of the interim period. In connection with the accession of MBA Incorporado S.L, new loans of EUR 98.5m were taken out, whereof EUR 39.5m were used for debt settlement. The credit agreement runs for 12 months with an extension option of up to a further 24 months.

Cash and cash equivalents, consisting of cash and bank balances, together with approved but non-utilised credit facilities, totalled SEK 844m (674) on 31 March 2022. 

Cash flow from operating activities reached SEK 332m (184) during the quarter. The change is mainly due to an improved result adjusted for depreciation and amortisation and reduced capital tied up in working capital compared with previous year. Acquisitions of companies amounted to SEK 501m (6). Investments in non-current assets during the quarter amounted to SEK 60m (24). The increase is attributable to investments in instruments for rental to customers. Disposals of non-current assets amounted to SEK 3m (1). Repurchase of treasury shares amounted to SEK 49m (0). Exercised, issued and repurchased call options amounted to SEK 0m (5).


Long term financial goals

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Latest updated: 4/27/2022 11:03:52 AM by