Net sales by business area

  3 months ending   6 months ending   12 months ending
SEKm 30 Jun 24 % 30 Jun 23   30 Jun 24 % 30 Jun 23   30 Jun 24 31 Dec 23
Labtech 941 8 872   1,804 2 1,777   3,681 3,654
Medtech 1,615 8 1,496   3,323 9 3,050   6,315 6,042
Group items -2   -3   -3   -5   -9 -11
AddLife Group 2,554 8 2,365   5,124 6 4,822   9,987 9,685

 EBITA and EBITA-margin by business area and operating profit for the group

  3 months ending 6 months ending 12 months ending
SEKm 30 Jun 24 % 30 Jun 23 % 30 Jun 24 % 30 Jun 23 % 30 Jun 24 % 31 Dec 23 %
Labtech 109 11.6 107 12.2 208 11.5 222 12.5 459 12.5 473 12.9
Medtech 200 12.3 145 9.7 398 12.0 401 13.2 681 10.8 684 11.3
Parent Company and Group items -10   -5   -16   -10   -28   -22  
EBITA 299 11.7 247 10.4 590 11.5 613 12.7 1,112 11.1 1,135 11.7
Depreciation and write-down intangible assets -107   -111   -212   -219   -543   -550  
Operating profit 192 7.5 136 5.8 378 7.4 394 8.2 569 5.7 585 6.0
Finance income and expenses -79   -66   -165   -118   -293   -246  
Profit after financial items 113   70   213   276   276   339  

Net sales by revenue type

  3 months ending 6 months ending 12 months ending
SEKm 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 30 Jun 24 31 Dec 23
Products 694 625 1,314 1,278 2,584 2,548
Instruments 181 184 345 365 784 804
Service 66 63 145 134 313 302
Labtech 941 872 1,804 1,777 3,681 3,654
Products 1,406 1,232 2,705 2,497 5,120 4,912
Instruments 45 126 287 283 509 505
Service 164 138 331 270 686 625
Medtech 1,615 1,496 3,323 3,050 6,315 6,042
Group items -2 -3 -3 -5 -9 -11
Total 2,554 2,365 5,124 4,822 9,987 9,685

Sales per country

  3 months ending 6 months ending 12 months ending
  30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 30 Jun 24 31 Dec 23
UK 306 272 706 570 1,322 1,186
Ireland 306 287 648 592 1,170 1,114
Sweden 276 270 552 568 1,084 1,100
Spain 262 220 494 433 887 826
Norway 224 190 424 398 810 784
Denmark 181 181 342 354 781 793
Italy 171 168 328 325 665 662
Finland 137 141 268 286 559 577
Rest of Europe 597 564 1,164 1,152 2,363 2,351
Rest of the world 94 72 198 144 346 292
Total 2,554 2,365 5,124 4,822 9,987 9,685



Latest updated: 7/13/2024 10:55:19 AM by Alexander Paziraei