Group summary

Consolidated income statement, condensed

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Income statement 3 months ending 6 months ending 12 months ending
SEKm 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 30 Jun 24 30 Jun 23 30 Jun 24 31 Dec 23
Net sales 2,554 2,365 5,124 4,822 9,987 9,685
Cost of sales -1,581 -1,470 -3,183 -3,001 -6,268 -6,086
Gross profit 973 895 1,941 1,821 3,719 3,599
Selling expenses -623 -614 -1,238 -1,211 -2,505 -2,478
Administrative expenses -152 -141 -302 -286 -604 -588
Research and Development -18 -25 -41 -49 -159 -167
Other operating income and expenses 12 21 18 119 118 219
Operating profit 192 136 378 394 569 585
Financial income and expenses -79 -66 -165 -118 -293 -246
Profit after financial items 113 70 213 276 276 339
Tax -41 -37 -78 -69 -156 -147
Profit for the period 72 33 135 207 120 192
Attributable to:            
Equity holders of the Parent Company 72 32 134 206 118 190
Non-controlling interests 0 1 1 1 2 2
Earnings per share (EPS) before dilution, SEK 0.60 0.27 1.11 1.70 0.97 1.56
Earnings per share (EPS) after dilution, SEK 0.60 0.27 1.11 1.70 0.97 1.56
Average number of shares after repurchases '000s 121,864 121,857 121,862 121,856 121,859 121,856
Number of shares at end of the period, '000 121,864 121,857 121,864 121,857 121,864 121,857
EBITA 299 247 590 613 1,112 1,135
Depreciations and write-down included in operating expenses            
- property, plant and equipment -91 -95 -184 -177 -376 -369
- intangible non-current assets from acquisitions -98 -100 -195 -199 -446 -450
- other intangible non-current assets -9 -11 -17 -20 -97 -100
Latest updated: 6/5/2024 9:55:43 AM by Alexander Paziraei