
Acquisitions completed from the 2023 financial year are distributed among the group’s business areas as follows:

Acquisitions Time Net Sales, SEKm* Number of employees* Business area
Emmat Medical Ltd, Great Britain September, 2023 28 4 Medtech
    28 4  
Acquisitions after the end of the interim period Time Net Sales, SEKm* Number of employees* Business area
BonsaiLab, Spain July, 2024 90 13 Labtech
    90 13  
* Refers to conditions at the time of acquisition on a full-year basis.

Revaluation of liabilities for contingent considerations related to previous acquisitions in the Medtech Business Area has resulted in an income of SEK 7m. During the interim period, these have been reversed and reported in other operating income. Contingent consideration amounting to SEK 41m has been paid during the interim period regarding BioConnect, Funksjonsutstyr and O'Flynn, which were acquired in previous years.

Latest updated: 7/13/2024 3:22:41 PM by