Group summary

Consolidated income statement, condensed

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Income statement 3 months ending 6 months ending 12 months ending
SEKm 30 Jun 21 30 Jun 20 30 Jun 21 30 Jun 20 30 Jun 21 31 Dec 20
Net sales 2,276 1,248 4,012 2,301 6,984 5,273
Cost of sales -1,482 -836 -2,595 -1,520 -4,530 -3,455
Gross profit 794 412 1,417 781 2,454 1,818
Selling expenses -438 -209 -701 -437 -1,138 -874
Administrative expenses -102 -60 -171 -120 -324 -273
Research and Development -10 -5 -18 -11 -31 -24
Other operating income and expenses 9 13 17 12 30 25
Operating profit 253 151 544 225 991 672
Financial income and expenses -16 -2 -20 -7 -26 -13
Profit after financial items 237 149 524 218 965 659
Tax -59 -29 -120 -44 -215 -139
Profit for the period 178 120 404 174 750 520
Attributable to:            
Equity holders of the Parent Company 177 119 403 173 748 518
Non-controlling interests 1 1 1 1 2 2
Earnings per share (EPS) before dilution, SEK 1.47 1.07 3.46 1.55 6.55 4.63
Earnings per share (EPS) after dilution, SEK 1.46 1.06 3.44 1.55 6.51 4.61
Average number of shares after repurchases,
121,154 111,765 116,846 111,965 114,548 112,127
Number of shares at end of the period, '000 121,943 112,124 121,943 112,124 121,943 112,487
EBITA 332 181 658 287 1,173 802
Depreciations included in operating expenses            
- property, plant and equipment -53 -36 -91 -71 -164 -144
- intangible non-current assets from
-71 -27 -101 -54 -157 -110
- other intangible non-current assets -8 -3 -13 -8 -25 -20
Latest updated: 11/23/2021 3:00:03 PM by admin