Administration Report

Parent company

The operations of the parent company AddLife AB comprise Group Management, business area management, consolidated reporting and financial management.

The parent company's net sales amounted to SEK 64 million (64) and profit after financial items was SEK 171 million (loss: 224). Balance-sheet appropriations include Group contributions received of SEK 184 million (191) and Group contributions paid of SEK -106 million (-117). Cash flow from investing activities amounts to SEK 445 million (-986). The parent company's financial net debt at the close of the financial year amounted to SEK 4,591 million (4,842).

Share capital, share repurchases, incentive programmes and dividends
On 31 December 2023, the parent company’s share capital amounted to SEK 62,358,949 divided into the number of shares shown below with a nominal value of SEK 0.51 per share.

The total number of shares amounts to 122,450,250, including 4,615,136 class A shares and 117,835,114 class B shares.

On 31 December 2023 the number of stockholders was 14,142 (13,131).
The Company's class B shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Two owners each control 10 percent or more of the voting rights. They are RoosGruppen AB (Håkan Roos through companies) with an ownership stake corresponding to 15.7 percent of votes, and Tom Hedelius, who owns shares corresponding to 12.6 percent of votes.

According to Chapter 6, Section 2a of the Swedish Annual Accounts Act, listed companies are required to disclose specific circumstances that may affect the possibility of a take-over of the company through a public offer for shares in the company. Most of the credit lines granted may be terminated in the event that the company is delisted from Nasdaq Stockholm, or that shareholders other than the current principal shareholders acquire more than 50 percent of the capital or voting rights.

Repurchase of treasury shares and incentive programs
In May 2023 the AGM authorised the Board of Directors during the period up until the 2024 AGM to buy back a maximum of ten percent of all shares in the company.

The repurchased shares are intended to cover the company's commitment to outstanding call option programs. No shares were repurchased during the financial year. The average number of class B treasury shares held during the financial year was 593,759 (671,360). At year-end the number of class B treasury shares was 593,189 (613,989) with an average purchase price of SEK 100.56 (100.56). The shares account for 0.5 percent (0.5) of shares issued and 0.4 percent (0.4) of votes.

At year-end AddLife had four outstanding call option programs. Outstanding call options on treasury shares during the financial year resulted in an estimated dilutive effect based on the period's average share price of approximately 0.0 percent (0.4).

The Board intends to propose to the Annual General Meeting in May 2024 an incentive programme according to a new model compared to the model approved by the AGM in 2023.

Appropriation of profits

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The following amounts are available for distribution by the Annual General Meeting of AddLife AB:
Share premium reserve 2,654
Retained earnings -247
Profit for the year 235
Total earnings 2,642
The Board of Directors propose that the funds available for distribution be allocated as follows:
A dividend paid to shareholders of SEK 0.50 per share¹ 61
To be carried forward 2,581
Latest updated: 4/2/2024 4:37:25 PM by