Notes for P&L

All amounts in SEKm unless otherwise stated

Note 24 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations

AddLife sponsors pension plans in the countries in which it has activities. Pension plans can be defined contribution or defined benefit plans or a combination of both. AddLife has defined benefit pension plans mainly in Sweden. In these plans, a pension is determined mainly by the salary received at the time of retirement. Subsidiaries in other countries in the Group mainly have defined contribution pension plans.  

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Obligations for employee benefits, defined benefit pension plans    
Pension liability as per balance sheet 2023-12-31 2022-12-31    
Pension liability PRI 60 56    
Other pension obligations 4 4    
Total defined benefit pension plans 64 60    
Obligations for defined benefits and the value of plan assets 2023-12-31 2022-12-31    
Funded obligations:        
Present value of funded defined benefit obligations 1 1    
Fair value of plan assets -1 -1    
Net debt, funded obligations 0 0    
Present value of unfunded defined benefit obligations 64 60    
Net amount in the balance sheet (obligation +, asset –) 64 60    
Pension obligations and plan assets by country:        
Pension obligations 60 56    
Net amount in Sweden 60 56    
Pension obligations 4 4    
Net amount in German 4 4    
Pension obligations 1 1    
Plan assets -1 -1    
Net amount in Austria 0 0    
Net amount in the balance sheet (obligation +, asset –) 64 60    
Reconciliation of net amount for pensions in the balance sheet 2023-12-31 2022-12-31    
Opening balance 60 82    
Change in accounting for pensions 2 0    
Payment of pension benefits -3 -2    
Translation effects 0    
Revaluations 5 -20    
Net amount in the balance sheet (obligation +, asset –) 64 60    
Changes in the obligation for defined benefit plans recognised in the balance sheet 2023-12-31 2022-12-31    
Opening balance 60 82    
Pensions earned during the period -0 -1    
Interest on obligations 2 1    
Benefits paid -3 -2    
Gain (–)/loss (+) resulting from financial assumptions 4 -25    
Experienced-based gains (–)/losses (+) 1 5    
Present value of pension obligations 64 60    
Pension costs 2023 2022    
Defined benefit plans        
Cost for pensions earned during the year 1 3    
Interest on obligations 2 1    
Total cost of defined benefit plans 3 4    
Total cost of defined contribution plans 90 80    
Social security costs on pension costs 11 10    
Total cost of benefits after termination of employment 104 94    
Allocation of pension costs in the income statement 2022 2022    
Cost of goods sold 22 17    
Selling and administrative expenses 80 76    
Net financial items 2 1    
Total pension costs 104 94    
  2023 2022    
Actuarial assumptions Sweden Sweden    
The following material actuarial assumptions were applied in calculating obligations:    
Discount rate 1 January, % 3.7 1.8    
Discount rate 31 December, % 3.3 3.7    
Future salary increases, % 2.6 3.0    
Future increases in pensions (change in income base amount), % 2.1 2.5    
Employee turnover, % 10.0 10.0    
Mortality table DUS23 DUS 21    
  2023 2022    
Actuarial assumptions Sweden Sweden    
Discount rate increases by 0.5% -5 -4    
Discount rate decreases by 0.5% 5 5    
Expected life expectancy increases by 1 year 3 3    
The total number of commitments included in pension liabilities is distributed as follows:    
Comprising 2023-12-31 2022-12-31    
Active 0 13    
Disability pensioners 0 0    
Paid-up policyholders 97 84    
Pensioners 88 87    
The total number of commitments included in pension liabilities 185 184    

 Accounting principle

Defined contributrion plans
These plans are mainly retirement pension plans, disability pensions and family pensions. Premiums are paid on an ongoing basis during the year by each company to separate legal entities, such as insurance companies. The size of the premium is based on the salary. The pension cost for the period is included in profit or loss. The Group has no further obligations related to the defined contribution plans.  

Obligations for retirement pensions and family pensions for salaried employees in Sweden are secured by insurance in Alecta. According to statement UFR 10 of the Swedish Financial Reporting Board, this is a defined benefit plan covering multiple employers. In the event that Alecta is unable to provide sufficient information to determine an individual company's share of the total liability and its plan assets, these pension plans are reported as defined contribution. For the 2023 financial year, the Company did not have access to information enabling it to report this plan as a defined benefit plan. Thus the pension plan according to ITP and secured by insurance in Alecta is recognised as a defined-contribution plan. The year's fees for pension insurance with Alecta totalled SEK 11 million (11). The fees for the next financial year are assessed to be in line with this year's fees. The collective consolidation rate for Alecta in December 2023 was 157 percent (172).

Defined benefit plans
AddLife has defined benefit pension plans mainly in Sweden and cover a small number of employees. Under defined benefit pension plans,the Group bears the risk for payment of promised benefits. These pension plans primarily comprise retirement pensions. In Sweden, the defined benefit pension plans are unfunded. 

The pension cost and pension obligation for defined benefit pension plans are calculated using the Projected Unit Credit Method. This method distributes the cost of pensions at the rate at which employees perform services for the Company that increase their rights to future benefits. The aim is to expense expected future pension payouts in a manner that provides an even cost over the employee's period of employment. This calculation takes into account anticipated future salary increases and anticipated inflation. The Company's obligation is calculated annually by independent actuaries. The discount rate used is equivalent to the interest rate on high-quality corporate bonds or mortgage-backed bonds with a maturity equivalent to the average maturity of the obligation and currency. For Swedish pension liabilities, the interest rate for Swedish housing bonds is used as a basis.   

Tax on returns is reported in the income statement for the period the tax refers to and is thus not included in the calculation of debt. The portion of payroll tax calculated based on the Pension Obligations Vesting Act (Tryggandelagen) for a legal entity is recognized, for simplicity, as accrued expenses instead of as part of the net obligation.

Tax on returns is reported in the income statement for the period the tax refers to and is thus not included in the calculation of debt. In the case of unfunded plans, the tax is charged to the year's profit. When there is a difference between how the pension cost is determined in the legal entity and the group, a provision or claim is reported for taxes that are paid on pension costs, e.g. special payroll tax for Swedish companies based on this difference. The present value of the provision or receivable is not calculated.

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