About the 2023 Sustainability Report

AddLife has prepared a sustainability report for the 2023 financial year that covers the parent company AddLife AB (publ) company ID no. 556995-8126 and its approximately 85 operating subsidiaries. The Board of Directors approved the sustainability report at the same time that it signed the 2023 annual report. While no standardised model for sustainability reporting has been applied in full, the European Sustainability Reporting Standard has been used as a point of departure. The purpose of the sustainability report is to provide an overarching description of AddLife’s business from the perspective of sustainability and to inform about the sustainability aspects that are necessary to understand the company’s development, position, and performance, as well as the consequences of its operations. AddLife’s sustainability report is integrated in part into the annual report. Pages 32-48 comprise AddLife’s statutory sustainability report.

Latest updated: 4/4/2024 12:54:31 PM by Lina Astrom