The AddLife share

The AddLife share was listed on NASDAQ Stockholm, Nordic Mid Cap list, on 16 March 2016. The Company's market capitalisation on 31 December 2023 was SEK 13,421 million (13,298). There were 14,142 (13,131) shareholders on 31 December 2023.

Dynamisk graf: Share development in AddLife

Market performance of the share and turnover
AddLife increased in value by 1 percent during the financial year. The OMX Stockholm index on the Stockholm Stock Exchange increased by 15 percent in the corresponding period. The highest price paid during the year was SEK 140.60, recorded on 5 June. The lowest was SEK 56.00, recorded on 25 October. The final price paid before the end of the financial year was SEK 109.40. During the financial year from 1 January to 31 December 2023, 77 million shares (71) were traded at a total value of approximately SEK 7,529 million (13,337). Broken down by trading day, an average of 305,911 (281,731)) AddLife shares were traded at an average value of about SEK 30 million (53). The average number of trades per day is 1,063 (1,622).

Dividend policy
The Board of Directors of AddLife aims to propose a dividend equivalent to 30-50 percent of profit after tax. When determining dividends, the Board considers investment needs and other factors that it deems relevant.

Dynamisk graf: Owner structure
  Share in %
Shareholders 2023-12-31 of capital of votes
Roosgruppen AB 4.5 15.7
Tom Hedelius 1.7 12.6
SEB Fonder 10.2 7.6
AMF - Försäkring och Fonder 8.3 6.2
Verdipapirfond Odin 7.3 5.4
Första AP-fonden 4.5 3.4
State Street Bank & Trust Company 4.5 3.4
Cliens Fonder 4.3 3.2
JP Morgan Chase Bank 3.3 2.4
Fjärde AP-fonden 2.4 1.8
Total the 10 biggest shareholders 51.0 61.7
Source: Euroclear    
Latest updated: 4/4/2024 3:51:23 PM by Lina Astrom