Note 7 Employees and employee benefits expense

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  2023 2022
Average number of employees Men Women Total Men Women Total
Parent Company 7 5 12 7 7 14
Other companies 163 120 283 167 117 284
Denmark 133 85 218 133 82 215
Finland 65 70 135 58 72 130
Norway 89 60 149 91 58 149
Ireland 206 123 329 185 129 314
Spain 168 92 260 171 88 259
UK 130 73 203 132 74 206
Germany 48 79 127 49 78 127
Other countries 245 287 532 273 281 554
Total 1,254 994 2,248 1,266 986 2,252
  2023 2022
Salaries and remuneration Senior management of which variable Other employees Senior management of which variable Other employees
Parent Company 16 4 9 20 4 9
Other companies 34 0 182 17 0 168
Denmark 14 2 182 14 1 162
Finland 6 1 92 6 1 79
Norway 13 1 102 13 1 102
Ireland 12 3 207 12 3 169
Spain 0 0 150 0 0 130
UK 4 0 135 2 0 118
Germany 6 0 88 7 0 64
Other countries 18 4 354 37 7 287
Total 123 15 1,501 128 17 1,288
      Group Parent Company
Salaries, remuneration and social security costs 2023 2022 2023 2022
Salaries and other remuneration 1,624 1,415 25 29
Contractually agreed pensions for senior management 12 11 3 3
Contractual pensions to other 81 71 2 2
Other social security costs 258 234 10 11
Total 1,975 1,731 40 45

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  Group Parent Company
Percentage women 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2023-12-31 2022-12-31
Board of Directors 20% 20% 50% 50%
Other members of senior management 35% 28% 30% 40%
Senior management are defined as Group Management, the President and Vice President of the Group’s subsidiaries.

Remuneration to the Board of Directors and senior management

Preparation and decision-making process regarding remuneration to the board, CEO and group management
The guidelines that applied during the financial year 2023 for remuneration to senior executives were decided by the annual general meeting. The principle for remuneration to the Board of Directors, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Group Management is that remuneration should be competitive. The Nomination Committee proposes Board fees to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Board fees are paid based on a resolution of the AGM. For committee work, remuneration is paid to the Chairman of the audit committee according to the decision of the AGM, to other members no fee is paid for committee work. For remuneration to the CEO, members of Group Management and other members of senior management in the Group, the Board of Directors has appointed a remuneration committee consisting of the Chairman of the Board and one Board member, with the CEO as the reporting member. A fixed salary, variable remuneration and conventional employment benefits as well as pension benefits are paid to the CEO, Group Management and other members of senior management. In addition, incentive programmes apply as described below. The remuneration committee adheres to the guidelines for remuneration to senior management approved by AddLife AB's AGM.

Call-options to senior executives
The Group's share-based long-term incentive scheme makes it easier for senior management to acquire shares in the company. The reason for implementation of the long-term incentive scheme is to give management personnel within the AddLife Group the opportunity to learn about and work towards an increase in the value of the Company’s shares through their own investment, thereby achieving greater alignment of interests between them and the Company's shareholders. The purpose of the incentive scheme is also to help senior executives to increase their shareholding in the Company over the long-term. The employees have paid a market-based premium for acquired call options on Class B shares. The option premium in the scheme was calculated by Nordea Bank by applying the established Black & Scholes measurement method. The calculations are based on the following parameters: the exercise price was set at 110 percent of the volume-weighted average price during the measurement period, volatility is based on statistical data derived from historical data, the risk-free interest rate was based on the interest rate for government bonds, maturity and exercise period under the terms of the schemes and dividend according to estimates based on the Group’s dividend policy.

The programme includes a subsidy so that the employee receives the same sum as the option premium paid in the form of cash payment, i.e. salary, after two years, provided that the option owner at this point is still employed within the Group. This subsidy and the associated social security costs are accrued as personnel costs over the vesting period. AddLife has the right, but no obligation to repurchase the options when an employee terminates employment. The holder may exercise the options regardless of continued employment in the Group.

AddLife has a total of four outstanding programs corresponding to a total of 1,605,800 B shares. Outstanding call options on repurchased shares have during the financial year resulted in an estimated dilutive effect based on the year's average share price of approximately 0.0 percent (0.4). During the financial year, 5,200 options in the 2019/2023 program have been exercised, corresponding to 20,800 B shares.

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Outstanding programmes Number of warrants Corresponding number of shares Percentage of total number of shares Exercise price Exercise period
2023/2027 205,800 205,800 0.2% 155.99 1 Jun 2026 - 26 Feb 2027
2022/2026 150,000 150,000 0.1% 250.07 9 Jun 2025 - 27 Feb 2026
2021/2025 250,000 250,000 0.2% 259.00 10 Jun 2024 - 28 Feb 2025
2020/2024 250,000 1,000,000 0.9% 98.40 19 Jun 2023 – 28 Feb 2024
Total 855,800 1,605,800        

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Remuneration and other benefits in 2023 Basic salary/ Board fees Variable remuneration¹ Other benefits Pension costs Total
Chairman of the Board 0.7 0.7
Other members of the board 1.9 1.9
Chief Executive Officer 4.9 1.9 0.0 1.9 8.7
Other senior executives² 6.6 1.8 0.3 1.6 10.3
Total 14.1 3.7 0.3 3.5 21.6
¹ Including remuneration for those senior executives participating in incentive programmes
² During the year, other members of Group Management consisted of three people.
Remuneration and other benefits in 2022 Basic salary/ Board fees Variable remuneration¹ Other benefits Pension costs Total
Chairman of the Board 0.7 0.7
Other members of the board 1.8 1.8
Chief Executive Officer 1.9 0.2 0.0 0.2 2.3
Former Chief Executive Officer 5.5 0.0 0.2 1.5 7.2
Other senior executives² 9.0 2.9 0.6 2.1 14.6
Total 18.9 3.1 0.8 3.8 26.6
¹ Including remuneration for those senior executives participating in incentive programmes
² During the year, other members of Group Management consisted of five people.

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Board fees   Position   2023 2022
Johan Sjö   Chairman of the Board   0.70 0.70
Håkan Roos   Board member   0.35 0.35
Stefan Hedelius   Board member   0.35 0.35
Eva Elmstedt     Board member   0.35 0.35
Birgit Stattin Norinder   Board member   0.35 0.35
Eva Nilsagård   Board member   0.50 0.43
Total       2.60 2.53

The Board of Directors
The Board fees of SEK 2,600 thousand set by the Nomination Committee are distributed, as per the AGM decision, among those Board Directors who are not employed by the Parent Company.

Parent Company's CEO
Fredrik Dalborg, Parent Company CEO, received a fixed salary of SEK 4,942k (1,894) and SEK 1,841k (153) in variable pay. Variable remuneration includes SEK 1,841k regarding the year’s cost for a subsidy for participation in the Group’s incentive programme. Taxable benefits for the CEO totalling SEK 65k (2) are additional. From age 65, the CEO is covered by a defined contribution pension, the size of which depends on the outcome of pension insurance agreements. In 2023, a total of SEK 1,856k (154) in pension premiums, determined annually by the remuneration committee, were paid for the CEO.

During the comparison year 2022, the Parent Company's former CEO, Kristina Willgård, received a fixed salary of SEK 5,526k and a variable pay of SEK 0. In addition, taxable benefits amounted to SEK 191k. In 2022, a total of SEK 1,520k in pension premiums, determined annually by the remuneration committee, were paid to the former CEO.

Variable salary is not pensionable income. Variable remuneration based on Group earnings may amount to 40 percent of fixed salary. Further variable cash remuneration may be awarded in extraordinary circumstances, provided that such extraordinary arrangements are limited in time and only made on an individual basis, for the purpose of recruiting or retaining executives, or as remuneration for extraordinary performance beyond the individual’s ordinary tasks. Such remuneration may not exceed an amount corresponding to 50 percent of the fixed annual salary and may not be paid more than once each year per individual. Any resolution on such remuneration shall be made by the Board based on a proposal from the Remuneration Committee. During 2023, no such remuneration has been paid. The period of notice is six months from the company's side and six months from the CEO's side. In the case of termination on the initiative of the Company, the CEO is entitled to a severance payment equivalent to nine months' salary during the period of notice. No severance package is payable if the employee terminates the contract.

Other members of Group Management
Other members of Group Management were paid a total of SEK 6,571k (9,005) in fixed salaries and SEK 1,827k (2,898) in variable remuneration. Variable remuneration includes SEK 1,827k regarding the year’s cost for a subsidy for participation in the Group’s incentive programme, which was expensed during the 2023 financial year and will be paid in the coming years. Taxable benefits totalling SEK 284k (560) are additional. Persons in Group Management are covered from age 65 by pension entitlements based on individual agreements. Existing pension schemes consist of defined contribution schemes, in which the pension amount depends on the outcome of pension insurance agreements. During 2023, a total of SEK 1,644k (2,093) in pension premiums was paid for the group ‘Other members of Group Management’. Variable remuneration based on Group earnings may amount to 40 percent of fixed salary. Further variable cash remuneration may be awarded in extraordinary circumstances, provided that such extraordinary arrangements are limited in time and only made on an individual basis, for the purpose of recruiting or retaining executives, or as remuneration for extraordinary performance beyond the individual’s ordinary tasks. Such remuneration may not exceed an amount corresponding to 50 percent of the fixed annual salary and may not be paid more than once each year per individual. During 2023, no such compensation has been paid. The period of notice is six to twelve months on the part of the Company and six months on part of the employee. Severance pay is paid corresponding to a maximum of six to twelve months' salary. Severance pay is payable upon termination of employment equivalent to no more than one year's salary. Severance pay is not paid on departure at own request.

Personnel information
Members of the Board of Directors' are directors, elected by a general meeting, in the Parent Company and in Group companies. Members of senior management' are people in Group Management and Managing Directors at Group companies.