The key figures presented below  are central in order to understand and evaluate AddLifes business and financial position. The key figures are presented in the Multi-year overview and commented in the administration report. The key figures that are the financial targets are commented in the section "Financial targets". 

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Return on equity    
Profit/loss after tax attributable to shareholders, as a percentage of shareholders' proportion of average equity.
Return on equity measures from an ownership perspective the return that is given on the owners' invested capital.
  2021 2020
Profit/loss for the period 720.6 519.7
Average equity 3,090.6 1,683.3
Return on equity 720.6/3,090.6=23.3% 802,1/780,9=102,7%
Return on working capital (P/WC)    
EBITA in relation to average working capital.
P/WC is used to analyse profitability and encourage high EBITA earnings and low working capital requirements.
  2021 2020
Operating profit before amortization of intangible assets EBITA, P 1,273.3 802.1
Average working capital, WC 1,346.9 780.9
P/WC 1,273.3/1,346.9=94.5% 802,1/780,9=102,7%
Return on capital employed    
Profit after net financial items plus interest expenses plus/minus exchange rate fluctuations in percent of average capital employed.
  2021 2020
Profit/loss before taxes according to the income statement 927.2 659.0
Interest expenses note 12 (+) 56.9 17.0
Net exchange rate fluctuations, note 12 10.2 -4.8
Profit after net financial items plus exchange rate fluctuations 994.3 671.2
Capital employed yearly average 8,508.5 2,652.9
Return on capital employed 2,652.9/8,508.5=,31.2% 671.2/2,652.9=25.3%
Operating profit before depreciation and amortization of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment.    
EBITDA is used to analyse profitability generated by operational activities.
  2021 2020
Profit/loss according to the income statement 996.3 672.5
Depreciation property, plant and equipment according to Note 16 (+) 201.4 144.5
Amortisation intangible assets according to Note 15 (+) 277.0 129.6
Operating profit before depreciation and amortisation, EBITDA 1,474.7 946.6
Operating profit before amortization of intangible assets.
EBITA is used to analyse profitability generated by operational activities.
  2021 2020
Profit/loss according to the income statement 996.3 672.5
Amortisation intangible assets according to Note 15 (+ 277.0 129.6
Operating profit before amortization of intangible assets 1,273.3 802.1
EBITA margiin    
EBITA in percentage of net sales.    
EBITA margin is used to analyse asset-creating generated from operational activities.
  2021 2020
Operating profit before amortization of intangible assets 1,273.3 802.1
Net sales according to the income statement 7,992.6 5,273.3
EBITA margin 1,273.3/7,992.6=,15.9% 802.1/5,273.3=15.2%
Equity per share    
Shareholders' proportion of equity divided by the number of shares outstanding at the end of the reporting period.
  2021 2020
Shareholders' proportion of equity according to the balance sheet 4,285.2 1,882.1
Number of shares outstanding at the end of the reporting period, 000 121,953.0 112,487.0
Equity per share 4,285.2/121,953=35.14 1,882.2/112,487= 16.73
Cash flow per share    
Cash flow from operating activities. divided by the average number of shares.
  2021 2020
Cash flow from operating activities 1,010.2 950.1
Average number of shares 119,418 112,127
Cash flow per share 1,010.2/119,418=8.46 950.1/112,127=8.47
Net debt/equity ratio    
Financial net liabilities in relation to shareholders’ equity.
Net debt/equity ratio is used to analyse financial risk.
  2021 2020
Financial net liabilities 3,870.2 699.8
Equity according to balance sheet 4,290.9 1,890.3
Net debt/equity ratio 3,870.2/4,290.9=0.9 699.8/1,890.3=0.4
Earnings per share (EPS)    
Shareholders' proportion of profit/loss for the year in relation to the average number of shares outstanding.
  2021 2020
Shareholders' proportion of profit for the year according to the income statement 718.6 517.8
Average number of shares 119,418 112,127
Earnings per share (EPS) 718.6/119,418=6.03 517.8/112,127=4.63
Profit growth EBITA    
This year’s EBITA decreased by previous year’s EBITA divided by previous year’s EBITA.
Earnings growth EBITA is used to analyse asset-creating generated from operational activities.
  2021 2020
Operating profit before amortisation of intangible assets, EBITA (+) 1,273.3 802.1
Previous year’s operating profit before amortization of intangible assets, EBITA (-) -802.1 -305.2
Earnings growth EBITA 471.2 496.9
Profit growth EBITA 471.2/802.1=58.7% 496.9/305.2=162.8%
Financial net liabilities    
Interest-bearing liabilities and interest-bearing provisions less cash and cash equivalents.
Net debt is used to monitor debt development and analyse financial leverage and any necessary refinancing.
According to balance sheet 2021 2020
Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 787.8 241.6
Provisions for pensions 81.5 80.5
Interest-bearing provisions 31.9 29.5
Current interest-bearing liabilities 3,314.3 564.2
Interest-bearing liabilities and provisions. 4,215.5 915.8
Cash and equivalents (–) -345.3 -216.0
Financial net liabilities 3,870.2 699.8
Financial net liabilities/EBlTDA    
Financial net liabilities divided by EBITDA.
Financial net liabilities compared with EBITDA provides a key financial indicator for financial net liabilities in relation to cash-generated operating profit; i.e., an indication of the ability of the business to pay its debts. This measure is generally used by financial institutions as a measure of creditworthiness.
  2021 2020
Financial net liabilities 3,870.2 699.8
Operating profit before depreciation and amortisation, EBITDA 1,474.7 946.6
Financial net liabilities/EBlTDA 3,870.2/1,474.7=2.6 699.8/946.6=0,7
Interest coverage ratio    
Profit after net financial items plus interest expenses plus/minus exchange rate fluctuations in relation to interest expenses.
  2021 2020
Profit/loss before taxes according to the income statement 927.2 659.0
Interest expenses, note 12 (+) 56.9 17.0
Net exchange rate fluctuations, note 12 10.2 -4.8
Profit after net financial items excluding interest expense and exchange rate fluctuations 994.3 671.2
Interest coverage ratio 994.3/56.9=17.5 671,2/17,0=39,5
Working capital    
Sum of inventories and accounts receivable, less accounts payable. Average working capital for the year is used to calculate return on working capital (P/WC).
Working capital is used to analyse how much working capital is tied up in the business.
  2021 2020
Inventories yearly average (+) 1,031.7 660.3
Accounts receivable yearly average (+) 998.0 552.8
Accounts payable yearly average (-) -682.8 -432.2
Working capital, average (WC) 1,346.9 780.9
Operating margin    
Operating profit/loss as a percentage of net sales.    
  2021 2020
Profit/loss according to the income statement 996.3 672.5
Net sales according to the income statement 7,992.6 5,273.3
Operating margin 996.3/7,992.6=12.5% 672.5/5,273.3=12.8%
Equity ratio    
Equity as a percentage of total assets    
The equity ratio is used to analyse financial risk and shows how much of the assets are financed with equity.
  2021 2020
Equity according to balance sheet 4,290.9 1,890.3
Total assets according to balance sheet 10,595.7 4,149.6
Equity ratio 4,290.9/10,595.7=40.5% 1,890.3/4,149.6= 45.6%
Debt/equity ratio    
Interest-bearing liabilities and interest-bearing provisions in relation to equity.
According to balance sheet 2021 2020
Non-current interest-bearing liabilities 787.8 241.6
Provisions for pensions 81.5 80.5
Interest-bearing provisions 31.9 29.5
Current interest-bearing liabilities 3,314.3 564.2
Interest-bearing liabilities and provisions 4,215.5 915.8
Equity according to balance sheet 4,290.9 1,890.3
Debt/equity ratio 4,215.5/4,290.9=1.0 915.8/1,890.3= 0.5
Capital employed    
Total assets less non-interest-bearing liabilities and provisions
According to balance sheet 2021 2020
Deferred tax liabilities 489.4 161.5
Accounts payable 796.2 648.8
Tax liabilities 109.5 81.1
Other liabilities 302.2 231.4
Accrued expenses and deferred income 380.2 210.1
Provisions 9.7 9.4
Non-interest-bearing liabilities and provisions 2,087.2 1,342.3
Total assets according to balance sheet 10,595.7 4,149.6
Capital employed 10,595.7-2,087.2=8,508.5 4,149.6-1,342.3=2,807.3
Profit margin    
Profit before taxes in percentage of net sales
  2021 2020
Profit/loss before taxes according to the income statement 927.2 659.0
Net sales according to the income statement 7,992.6 5,273.3
Profit margin 927.2/7,992.6=11.6% 659.0/5,273.3=12.5%
Latest updated: 3/7/2022 4:11:31 PM by