
Responsible employer

The AddLife Group is characterized by strong entrepreneurial energy with dedicated employees who are driven to improve both themselves and the company they work for. Employees are our most important resource and AddLife values secure forms of employment, a good work environment and individual growth opportunities.

The 2021 materiality assessment combined with the stakeholder dialogues shows that employee health and well-being and talent retention and attraction are prioritised areas for Addlife for future growth. We will continue working with the material topics during 2022. For example, we will identify most relevant focus areas, integrate these into strategy and create concrete actions and KPIs. 

Our ambition is to keep and, when possible, strengthen our entrepreneurial culture which gives our employees freedom with responsibility, proffessional growth and contribute to AddLife's success. Apart from this we proactively work continued improvement of work environment, equal opportunities and zero tolerance against discrimination and harassment. 

We conduct employee surveys to identify areas for improvement at the group level, in the subsidiaries and in work groups. In this year's employee survey, 1,512 people (84%) responded, compared with 828 people (85%) in 2020. A review is carried out at each company to prioritise activities by workplace. The survey also follows up the employee index, which is an important sustainability goal that measures the work environment with respect to health, safety, well-being. 

Work environment is important and we have a zero vision regarding work-related accidents and illnesses.

AddLife has high business ethics standards and zero tolerance for discrimination. This year's employee survey shows that the relative number of cases of discrimination is unchanged. Our ambition is to continue to improve in this area and during 2022 we will implement a new Code of Conduct with strengthen focus on this topic, with training for all employees. We will also review the whistleblower function and increase the awareness of it. 

Employees will be given equal opportunities regardless of gender, age, ethnic or national affiliation, religion, sexual orientation, or disability. The employee survey is used to ensure that any discrimination is revealed and remedied.



  • Strengthened the AddLife Academy organisation
  • Continued the digitalisation of AddLife Academy
  • Started roll-out of group common IT platform
  • Leadership trainings with focus on value-based conflict management



  • Update Code of Conduct and implement digital Code of Conduct training with refreshment for all employees
  • Continue implementation of group common IT platform 
  • Review the whistleblower function 


Latest updated: 3/29/2022 2:50:59 PM by