Return on equity
Profit/loss after tax attributable to shareholders, as a percentage of shareholders' proportion of average equity
EBITA in relation to average working capital
Return on capital employed
Profit after net financial items plus interest expenses plus/minus exchange rate fluctuations in percent of average capital employed
Operating profit before depreciation and amortization of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment
Equity per share
Equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent company divided by the number of shares on closing date.
Cash flow per share
Cash flow from operating activities. divided by the average number of shares
Welfare technology
Welfare technology contributes to increased security, activity, participation and independence for people with disabilities and their relatives, as well as for older people.
Blood gas analysis
Blood gas analysis provides important information about e.g. the patient's lung function and is used e.g. for patients in the hospital's ICU wards.
Polymerase Chain Reaction is an molecular biology method for amplifying small amounts of specific DNA for further analysis.
Operating profit before amortization of intangible assets.
EBITA margin
EBITA in percentage of net sales.
EBITA margin (1)
EBITA in percentage of net sales.
Capital employed
Total assets less non-interest-bearing liabilities and provisions.
Market capitalisation
The total market value of all outstanding shares.
P/E ratio
The current share price relative to earnings per share.
Earnings per share, diluted
Shareholders' proportion of profit for the year in relation to the average number of shares outstanding, adjusted for additional shares from the exercise of outstanding personnel options or similar programmes.
Equity ratio
Equity as a percentage of total assets
Equity ratio (1)
Equity as a percentage of total assets
Financial net liabilities
Interest-bearing liabilities and interest-bearing provisions less cash and cash equivalents.
Working capital
Sum of inventories and accounts receivable, less accounts payable.
Earnings per share
Shareholders' proportion of profit/loss for the year in relation to the average number of shares outstanding.
Working capital (1)
Sum of inventories and accounts receivable, less accounts payable.
Debt/equity ratio
Interest-bearing liabilities and interest-bearing provisions in relation to equity.
Net debt/equity ratio
Financial net liabilities in relation to shareholders’ equity.
Life Science
Life Science includes the study of organisms, such as microorganisms, plants and animals including humans. The Life Science industry includes chemistry, biology, biotechnology, diagnostics and medical technology.
In vitro diagnostics, IVD, is an assessment of a patient's health condition using various diagnostic tests.
Operating margin
Operating profit/loss as a percentage of net sales
Profit margin
Profit before taxes in percentage of net sales
Interest coverage ratio
Profit after net financial items plus interest expenses plus/minus exchange rate fluctuations in relation to interest expenses
Earnings growth
This year’s EBITA decreased by previous year’s EBITA divided by previous year’s EBITA
Hematology is the physiology and diseases of the blood and the blood-forming and lymphatic systems.
Pathology is the study of diseases and how they are diagnosed, through analysis of molecules, cells, tissues and organs.
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi and viruses.
Virology, the study of viruses, often referred to as microbiology or pathology.
Molecular biology
Molecular biology describes how biology works at the molecular level. The field overlaps with other areas of biology and chemistry, especially genetics and biochemistry.
Clinical chemistry
Clinical chemistry is an applied form of biochemistry that analyzes body fluids, i.e. blood, for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Immunology is the study of the immune system and its reaction to infectious agents or autoimmunity, ie the immune system's attack on the body's own tissue.
Cell biology
Cell biology is the study of the structure and function of the cell.
Genetics is the study of genes and chromosomes and how traits are inherited from parents to offspring.
Ear, nose and throat
Medical specialty in diseases of the ears, nose and throat. The area also includes head and neck surgery.
A process in living organisms that involves the production of energy, the intake of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide.
Intensive care
Intensive care medicine, also called critical care medicine, is a medical specialty that deals with seriously or critically ill patients who have, are at risk of, or are recovering from conditions that may be life-threatening.
With surgery you can repair internal parts of the body, removing diseased tissue, organs or tumors through excision or inserting something, such as a pacemaker.
Enteral nutrition
Enteral nutrition means that nutrition is supplied via the gastrointestinal tract, either through normal eating or through tube feeding.
Fall prevention
Prevent fall. Falls and their consequences constitute a major health problem in society. Even cases without bodily injury impair the quality of life, as those who have fallen often limit their activities for fear of falling again.
Elective surgery
Surgery which could be postponed or not done at all without danger to the patient. Elective surgery includes procedures to correct non-life-threatening medical problems as well as to alleviate conditions causing psychological stress or other potential risk to patients, e.g., cosmetic or contraceptive surgery.
Medical Device Regulation
Abbreviation for Conformité Européenne, which means in accordance with EU directives.
Field Safety Notice
Market Safety Notice (FSN) to the market regarding product safety.
Field Safety Corrective Action
Directive for medical devices where the manufacturer must report any technical or medical reasons that lead to a recall of the product.
With Laparoscopy, peephole surgery, the patient is operated on, without the surgeon having to open up the body.
Endoscopy is the insertion of a long, thin tube directly into the body to observe an internal organ or tissue in detail.
Urology is the surgical and medical treatment of diseases of the urinary tract.
The thorax is located between the abdomen and the neck. Within the thorax are the lungs, the heart, and the first section of the aorta. Also known as chest.
The law about special services for adults
Ophthalmology involves diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders.