Notes for P&L

All amounts in SEKm unless otherwise stated

Note 12 Finance income and costs

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Group 2021 2020
Interest income on bank balances 0.9 0.8
Exchange rate fluctations, net 4.8
Financial income 0.9 5.6
Interest expense on financial liabilities measured at amortised cost. -52.6 -13.1
Interest expense on financial liabilities measured at fair value.
Interest expense on pension liability -0.8 -1.2
Interest expense on lease liability -3.5 -2.7
Exchange rate fluctations, net -10.2
Other finance costs -2.9 -2.0
Finance costs -70.0 -19.0
Net financial items -69.1 -13.4
Parent Company 2021 2020
Dividend income
Profit/loss from group companies
Interest income etc.:    
Interest income from Group companies 42.3 14.3
Exchange rate fluctations, net 3.3
Other interest income and change value of derivatives
Interest income and similiar items 42.3 17.6
Interest expense, etc.:    
Interest expense from Group companies -0.2 -0.2
Exchange rate fluctations, net -7.2
Other interest expense and change value of derivatives -35.5 -8.6
Interest expense and similiar items -42.9 -8.8

Accounting principle 

Interest income on receivables and interest expense on liabilities are computed using the effective interest method. The effective rate is the interest rate that makes the present value of all future receipts and payments during the period of fixed interest equal to the carrying amount of the receivable or liability. Interest expenses and income include accrued amounts of any transaction costs, rebates, premiums and other differences between the original value of the item and the amount paid/received upon maturity.