Notes for P&L
All amounts in SEKm unless otherwise stated
Note 3 Critical estimates and assumptions
The carrying amounts of certain assets and liabilities are based in part on estimates and assumptions. This applies particularly to impairment testing of goodwill (Note 15) and to defined benefit pension obligations (Note 25). Assumptions and estimates are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and expectations regarding future events deemed reasonable under prevailing circumstances. Tests are performed each year to determine if goodwill is impaired. The recoverable amount for cash generating units has been determined by calculating values in use. For these calculations, certain estimates must be made.
A portion of the Group's pension obligations for salaried employees is on a defined benefit basis and is covered by collective policies with Alecta. Currently, it is impossible to obtain data from Alecta on the Group's share of obligations and plan assets, so the pension plan with Alecta must be recognised as a defined-contribution plan. The consolidation ratio reported by Alecta does not indicate any deficit, but it is not possible to obtain detailed information from Alecta about the size of the pension obligation.
The present value of pension obligations recognised as defined benefit plans depends on multiple factors determined on an actuarial basis using a number of assumptions. In establishing these assumptions, AddLife consults with actuaries. The assumptions used to determine the present value of the obligation include the discount rate and salary increases. Each change in these assumptions will affect the carrying amount of pension obligations. See also Note 25.
Changes in tax laws in the countries where AddLife operates could change the amount of tax liabilities and assets recognised. In addition, the interpretation of current tax laws can affect reported tax asset/liability. Assessments are made to determine both current and deferred tax assets/liabilities. The actual results may deviate from these estimates, in part because of changes in the business climate or the tax rules.