Corporate Governance

Nomination Committee

Nomination Committee duties

The Nomination Committee’s mandate from the Annual General Meeting is to evaluate the composition and work of the Board of Directors as well as to submit proposals to the AGM for the Chair of the AGM, Directors and Chairman of the Board, auditors, remuneration to directors who are not employed by the Company, election, where appropriate, of a registered auditing firm and auditors’ fees, as well as principles for election of members to the Nomination Committee.

Nomination Committee members receive no compensation from the Company for the work of the Committee. The Nomination Committee had two meetings where minutes were taken prior to the 2021 AGM at which all members were present. The complete proposals of the Nomination Committee to the AGM are presented in the notice to attend the meeting and on the Company’s website.

Composition of the Nomination Committee

In accordance with the Code, the Company shall have a Nomination Committee. On 1 September 2016 the AGM adopted principles for appointing the Nomination Committee. Consequently, the Annual General Meeting does not decide on these principles and the Nomination Committee mandate annually, unless the principles or the mandate are to be changed. The Nomination Committee consists of representatives of the five largest known shareholders by vote as of 30 September each year, as well as the Chairman of the Board of Directors, who is also tasked with convening the first meeting of the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee appoints a Chairman from among its members. The composition of the Nomination Committee shall be announced not later than six months before the Annual General Meeting.

In accordance with the above, the Nomination Committee comprises these appointed members: Johan Sjö, Chairman of the Board, Stefan Hedelius (appointed by Tom Hedelius), Håkan Roos (appointed by RoosGruppen AB), Jonathan Schönbeck (appointed by Odin Fonder), Christofer Geijer (appointed by SEB Investment Management) and Natalie Falkman (appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder). The composition of the Nomination Committee was announced in conjunction with the presentation of the interim report for the third quarter on 21 October 2020. One Nomination Committee member is a Board member and two members are not independent of the Company's major shareholders. Håkan Roos is Chairman of the Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee shall prepare proposals for the Chairman of the Meeting, Board members, remuneration to each of the Board members, the Board members and the Chairman of the Board, as well as the election of a registered firm of auditors and audit fees. The Nomination Committee’s proposals to the AGM will be presented in the notice to attend the meeting and on the Company’s website. Nomination Committee members receive no compensation from the Company for the work of the Committee. However, the Company is responsible for costs associated with the execution of the Nomination Committee. The Company did not pay any expenses associated with the Nomination Committee’s mandate during the year.


The Company has two deviations from rule 2.4 of the Code regarding the composition of the Nomination Committee. According to the Code, a Board member should not serve as the chair of the Nomination Committee and at most one Board member should be dependent in relation to the company’s major shareholders. Explanation: The Nomination Committee has determined that it is appropriate that the Chairman of the Nomination Committee is the member who represents the largest group of shareholders. The Nomination Committee has also deemed it appropriate that two Board members, who are dependent in relation to major shareholders, are included in the Nomination Committee as they have good knowledge of both the company and other shareholders.


Diversity policy

The Nomination Committee uses 4.1 in the Code as its diversity policy. This means that AddLife’s Board of Directors shall consist of a well-balanced mix of skills, experience and background that is important for responsibly and successfully managing AddLife’s strategic work. To achieve this, knowledge of Life Science, corporate governance, compliance with rules and regulations, financing and financial analysis and remuneration issues is desirable. In addition, diversity regarding age, gender, education and other professional backgrounds is taken into account.

The goal is to have a Board with good diversity and gender equality. No Board member shall be discriminated against based on religion, ethnic background, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or for other reasons.

Latest updated: 11/23/2021 10:14:38 AM by Vladimir Mironov (Awave)