Notes for P&L
All amounts in SEKm unless otherwise stated
Note 1 General information
Note 2 Summary of important accounting policies
Note 3 Critical estimates and assumptions
Note 4 Financial risk and risk management
Note 5 Net sales by revenue type and business area
Note 6 Segment reporting
Note 7 Employees and employee benefits expense
Note 8 Remuneration to auditors
Note 9 Depreciation and amortisation
Note 10 Other operating income and expenses
Note 11 Operating expenses
Note 12 Finance income and costs
Note 13 Year-end appropriations, parent company
Note 14 Taxes
Note 15 Intangible non-current assets
Note 16 Property, plant and equipment
Note 17 Leases
Note 18 Financial assets and liabilities – categories and fair value
Note 19 Non-current finanical assets
Note 20 Inventories
Note 21 Trade receivables
Note 22 Prepaid expenses and accrued income
Note 23 Shareholder's equity
Note 24 Untaxed reserves
Note 25 Provisions for pensions and similar obligations
Note 26 Provisions
Note 27 Non-current interest-bearing liabilities
Note 28 Current interest-bearing liabilities
Note 29 Accrued expenses and deferred income
Note 30 Related-party transactions
Note 31 Pledged assets and contingent liabilities
Note 32 Cash flow statement
Note 33 Acquisitions within business areas
Note 34 Earnings per share (EPS)
Note 35 Information about the parent company
Note 36 Events after the reporting period
Note 37 Proposal for profit distribution
Note 13 Year-end appropriations, parent company
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Accounting principle
Group contributions are recognised in the Parent Company in accordance with the alternative rule. Group contributions received and paid are recognised as appropriations.