Parent Company Statement of Changes in Equity

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  Restricted equity Unrestricted equity  
SEKm Share capital Share premium reserve Retained earnings, including profit for the year Total
EQUITY, OPENING BALANCE 2019-01-01 51.1 651.5 16.2 718.8
Profit for the year 36.3 36.3
Total comprehensive income for the year 36.3 36.3
Right issues 7.2 493.6 500.8
Issue expenses -10.8 -10.8
Dividend -62.1 -62.1
Repurchase of treasury shares -43.3 -43.3
Call options issued 12.4 12.4
EQUITY, CLOSING BALANCE 2019-12-31 58.3 1,134.3 -40.5 1,152.1
Restricted equity Unrestricted equity
SEKm Share capital Share premium reserve Retained earnings, including profit for the year Total
EQUITY, OPENING BALANCE 2020-01-01 58.3 1,134.3 -40.5 1,152.1
Profit for the year 98.6 98.6
Total comprehensive income for the year 98.6 98.6
Dividend -56.2 -56.2
Repurchase of treasury shares -31.0 -31.0
Disposal of treasury shares 11.7 11.7
Call options issued 58.2 58.2
EQUITY, CLOSING BALANCE 2020-12-31 58.3 1,134.3 40.8 1,233.4
Latest updated: 11/23/2021 10:24:20 AM by admin