Major shareholders

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      Proportion of
Shareholder Class A shares Class B shares capital, % votes, %
Roosgruppen AB 2,156,572 7,090,564 8.08 18.37
Tom Hedelius 2,066,572 23,140 1.83 13.26
Verdipapirfond Odin 0 11,037,084 9.64 7.07
SEB Fonder 0 10,030,077 8.76 6.43
Swedbank Fonder 0 8,791,180 7.68 5.63
NTC Fidelity Funds Northern Trust 0 8,549,148 7.47 5.48
State Street Bank & Trust Company 0 7,896,265 6.90 5.06
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co 0 4,570,296 3.99 2.93
Sandrew AB 0 2,800,000 2.45 1.79
Lannebo Fonder 0 2,450,000 2.14 1.57
HSBC Trinkhaus and Burkhardt AG 0 2,365,772 2.07 1.52
BNP Paribas SEC Services Paris 0 1,710,972 1.49 1.10
Per Säve 86,732 1,600,329 1.47 1.58
Livförsäkringsbolaget Skandia 0 1,681,132 1.47 1.08
Margareta Von Matérn 0 1,464,256 1.28 0.94
Total 15 largest owners 4,309,876 72,060,215 66.72 73.81
Other shareholders 305,260 35,812,096 31.52 24.90
Total outstanding shares 4,615,136 107,872,311 98.24 98.71
Repurchased own shares Class B - 2,010,845 1.76 1.29
Total registered shares 4,615,136 109,883,156 100.00 100.00
Latest updated: 11/23/2021 10:38:23 AM by admin