Notes for P&L

All amounts in SEKm unless otherwise stated

Note 8 Remuneration to auditors

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  Group Parent Company
  2022 2021 2022 2021
Audit assignment 9 6 1 1
Tax consultation 1 2
Other assignments 1 4 1 4
Total remuneration to KPMG 11 12 2 5
Other auditors        
Audit assignment 4 2
Tax consultation 2 2
Other assignments 1 1
Total remuneration to other auditors 7 5
Total remuneration to auditors 18 17 2 5
Audit assignments refers to the statutory audit of the annual and consolidated financial statements and accounting, as well as the administration of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer, along with auditing and other examinations carried out by agreement or contract. This includes other duties incumbent on the company’s auditors, as well as advice or other assistance prompted by observations from such audits or the performance of other tasks

In 2022, remuneration paid to the auditing firm amounted to SEK 11 million, distributed between the following categories:

  • Audit assignment, SEK 9 million, of which SEK 6 million refers to KPMG Sweden.
  • Tax consultancy, SEK 1 million, of which SEK 1 million refers to KPMG Sweden.
  • Other services, SEK 1 million, of which SEK 1 million refers to KPMG Sweden.
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