Notes for P&L

All amounts in SEKm unless otherwise stated

Note 34 Earnings per share (EPS)

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  2022 2021
Earnings per share (SEK) 3.96 6.03
Diluted EPS (SEK) 3.95 6.01

The numerators and denominators used to calculate the above EPS are derived as stated below.

Earnings per share (EPS)

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the income for the period attributable to the equity holders of the Parent Company with the average number of shares. The dilution from the options is based on a calculation of how many shares could hypothetically have been purchased during the period of the exercise price. The shares that could not have been purchased lead to dilution. The dilution in the Group is a consequence of its longterm incentive programmes.

The two components are as follows:

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  2022 2021
Profit for the year (SEKm) 483 721
Weighted average number of shares during the year in thousands of shares 2022 2021
Weighted average number of shares during the year, basic 121,779 119,418
The weighted average number of shares during the year, diluted 122,254 119,966